
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spiritual Lessons of Creation

Calvin gets back to the act and result of Creation here at the end of chapter 14.  He reminds us that Creation is "not the chief evidence for faith," but "that wherever we cast our eyes, all things they meet are works of God."  We should "ponder with pious meditation to what end God created them."  He reminds us yet again that we should turn to Genesis for an explanation of the creation of the universe and not to human speculation.  He does allow for us to study the writings from Basil and Ambrose who expounded upon Moses' account of Creation.  God created everything in heaven and earth out of nothing including life itself.  Calvin warns again that we should be satisfied with the narrative of Creation in Genesis and should not engage in any other speculation about Creation.

It is impossible for our finite minds to not only grasp the greatness of God, but it is also impossible for us to grasp the vastness of his Creation.  He writes, "Indeed, if we chose to explain in a fitting manner how God's inestimable wisdom, power, justice, and goodness shine forth in the fashioning of the universe, no splendor, no ornament of speech, would be equal to an act of such create magnitude."  We can with faith truly understand that God is the Creator of heaven and earth.  We are to contemplate this not only when we view nature, but also in the fact that God is actively involved in our lives.  "...God has destined all things for our good and salvation but at the same time to feel his power and grace in ourselves and in the great benefits he has conferred upon us, and so bestir ourselves to trust, inoke, praise, and love him."  How comforting is it to know that God has destined everything for our good and salvation!  We know from Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28-30 among other places that this is true.

I could not close with better words than Calvin chose to close chapter 14.  He writes, "So, invited by the great sweetness of his beneficence and goodness, let us study to love and serve him with all our hearts."

Tomorrow's reading: 1.15.1-1.15.4

1 comment:

  1. George, nice tie in to ASh Wednesday-especially this last quote. Chris


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